Easy method for five-star scouts 2

besidavi’s method for attaining 5*5* scouts on FIFA 12 is a very clever method and gives you a good chance of success. You do, however, need to have quite a lot of money for it. What if your club doesn’t have so much money? There is an alternative, although it will probably take longer to achieve good results seeing as it leaves more to chance.

In besidavi’s method, you “encourage” 5*5* scouts to be generated by buying up scouts with at least either experience or judgment rated 5*. FIFA 12 seems to replace highly rated scouts with other highly rated scouts, thereby giving you another chance to get a 5*5* scout next time. In this method, however, you rely on reloading to generate new scouts randomly. Here’s how it works.

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Easy method for five-star scouts 1

In this post, besidavi on the FIFA 12 forums explains a good way to generate 5*5* scouts. The original post is here.

To increase your chances of getting a 5*5* scout:

OK, this procedure involves reloading from save states so if you’re against that quit reading now! It also needs a CM where money is not an issue for you. This is because it involves buying lots of scouts (often the most expensive ones). I started doing this as a test when I had millions in the bank and nothing to spend it on. The final prerequisite, although not essential, is that you do this in a blank week (no matches) so the start of a season is ideal and June (English leagues) even better! This is just for simplicity and time. The example I will use is the best case scenario – i.e. seeing the most scouts possible in one game week.

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